800 GoldEnd Sealant Tape

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800 GoldEnd Sealant Tape
100% Pure PTFE Sealant Tape; Oxygen Safe; Chemical Resistant


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​A high-quality, moldable PTFE sealing tape for use on metal or plastic threads, pipes, and​ bolts.​​​ Chesterton 800 GoldEnd® Tape is heavy duty, high density, and tear resistant.​​​

Temperatures from -240°C (-400°F) to 260°C (500°F)
Seals tightly and opens easily
UL listed
Meets MIL-T-2773O-A
NSF registered H1, P1
Acceptable for oxygen use
Non-aging, non-hardening
Chemically resistant
Requires fewer wraps
Resists tearing and breakage
Won't clog fuel lines
Adjust fittings without leakage
Liquids: ​Steam, water, salt water air, fuels, refrigerants, acids, alkalies, all solvents
Gases: Hydrogen, ammonia, oxygen, propane, butane, nitrogen ​
Other: Seals all plumbing and most industrial piping threads. Pneumatic and hydraulic fittings up to 690 bar (10,000 psi)

CAUTION: For ni​tric or mixed acid services, contact Chesterton Technical Support.

Container Size 800  - MetricReorder Number
6,4 mm x 13, 72m000805
12,7 mm x 4, 57m000801
12,7 mm x 13, 72m000802
19,1 mm x 13, 72m000804
25,4 mm x 13, 72m000806
Container Size 800 - British UnitsReorder Number
1/4 x 540 in.000805
1/2 x 180 in.000801
1/2 x 540 in.000802
1/2 x 1296 in.000803
3/4 x 540 in.000804
3/4 x 540 in. 000806​



Product Datasheet: Chesterton 800 GoldEnd Tape (English)https://chestertondocs.chesterton.com/Lubricants/tdms800_EN.pdfProduct Datasheet: Chesterton 800 GoldEnd Tape (English)pdf
Chesterton 800 GoldEnd Tape Certificate EU1935 (English)https://chestertondocs.chesterton.com/Lubricants/Certifikate 800 GoldEnd Tape EU1935.pdfChesterton 800 GoldEnd Tape Certificate EU1935 (English)pdf
SDS - Chesterton 800 GoldEnd Tape (English)https://chestertondocs.chesterton.com/Lubricants/ts800_EN.pdfSDS - Chesterton 800 GoldEnd Tape (English)pdf
Product Datasheet: Chesterton 800 DVGW GoldEnd® Tape (Deutsch) 800 DVGW is only available for the DACH-Sectorhttps://chestertondocs.chesterton.com/Lubricants/PDS - 800 DVGW GoldEnd Tape_A4_DE_11-2017.pdfProduct Datasheet: Chesterton 800 DVGW GoldEnd® Tape (Deutsch) 800 DVGW is only available for the DACH-Sectorpdf
NSF Certification: 800 GoldEnd Tape (English)https://chestertondocs.chesterton.com/Lubricants/NSF-800 GOLDEND TAPE (2).pdfNSF Certification: 800 GoldEnd Tape (English)pdf



Brochure: High Performance Chemicals for the Food, Beverage, and Pharmaceutical Industries (English)https://chestertondocs.chesterton.com/Lubricants/EN22425_FoodBevBro.pdfBrochure: High Performance Chemicals for the Food, Beverage, and Pharmaceutical Industries (English)pdf
Catalog: Chesterton Core Products - Mechanical Seals, Packing & Gaskets, Hydraulic Seals, Lubricants/MRO, Coatings (English)https://chestertondocs.chesterton.com/Lubricants/EN24651_Core_Products_Catalog_EN.pdfCatalog: Chesterton Core Products - Mechanical Seals, Packing & Gaskets, Hydraulic Seals, Lubricants/MRO, Coatings (English)pdf
Catalog: Lubricant and MRO Products (English)https://chestertondocs.chesterton.com/Lubricants/EN23055_IL_MRO_Catalog.pdfCatalog: Lubricant and MRO Products (English)pdf
Case Study: 800 GoldEnd Tape Stops Leakage on Oxygen Gas Cylinders (English)https://chestertondocs.chesterton.com/Lubricants/EN601841_Food_Bev_800_GoldEnd_Tape_Gas_Cylinder_CS.pdfCase Study: 800 GoldEnd Tape Stops Leakage on Oxygen Gas Cylinders (English)pdf
Case Study 023 Lubricants/MRO - Power Generation - Sealing Pneumatic System Leaks (English)https://chestertondocs.chesterton.com/Lubricants/EN23617.21_LMRO_CS023_Power_Generation_Sealing_Pneumatic_System_Leaks.pdfCase Study 023 Lubricants/MRO - Power Generation - Sealing Pneumatic System Leaks (English)pdf